Some where in May 2004, I was travelling in AP express train from Bhopal to Hyderabad. I was sitting in someone else seat as my reservation was not confirmed. A group of 5 to 6 girls were travelling next to me from bits pilani to Hyderabad. I saw one gorgeous girl in that group. Though I initiated discussion with those girls but unable to get attention of that beautiful girl, departed our ways as we reached destination soon. The girl was so beautiful that I remember her when ever I travel by train.
An year back i.e in 2008 I felt that I am confident enough to give a beautiful life to a girl. My parents send me many photos of the girls but unable to choose one as I always wanted to find my partner on my own if at all I marry.
For a girl born in Kadapa, her parents decided to find partner. The girl is beautiful and well educated, so lot of good alliances coming in her way from their near and dear. But she thought that matrimony sites is a good option in this busy life as she may have more time and freedom in knowing the person unlike arranged marriages. Though her parents are not very happy with her decision somehow she and her sister convinced and uploaded profile in internet. In a week time she got 100 replies from well qualified boys across the continent. Her sister was filtering all the profiles at first level.
When I saw this girl in net, I was surprised because with my vague memory I can correlate that she is the girl I saw 5 years back in the train. I mailed the train incident, the mail reached her sister. When her sister was filtering profiles thought that we both know each other as we travelled together and my profile was filtered and passed to her. My train incident helped to get attention now though I was unable to get attention when I saw her first time. She was impressed with my 5 years memory and replied to me.
I proposed her in my second day of interaction as I was in love with her in my first interaction itself. She didn’t have enough confidence on me with one or two interactions. I was running under very hectic work schedules at that time, used to work for 14 hours a day due to some critical issues in the project and after that long hours calls with her. For that one week I slept just 1 to 2 hours a day . In 10 days time she accepted me fully and started loving me more than I do.
Her parents forcing to see the boys photos which are coming in their way as they don’t know our love story. She struggled a lot to convince her parents to see me first. My manager kindly granted leave though project was under tight schedules, took my flight back to India immediately. Before I meet her, I was little bit apprehensive as she just saw me only in photos, I went to Bangalore with too much tiring journey, met her in a pizza hut, she accepted me even after seeing :-) . For me she was even more beautiful than my imagination. Still I was in tension as the last and important stage of getting acceptance from her parents and my parents is pending. With my parents I went to her house, her parents and relatives accepted me in no time after seeing and discussing with me. My parents too were proud of my selection.
Her name is Swapna Priya, the girl I loved and going to love her through out my life. In 20 days time every thing happened. Love, proposal, acceptance from her, travel to India, meeting her, acceptance from parents and engagement. Life was like a roller coaster in this one month, hardly slept. The life I lived in my 27 years is equal to the experience I gained in these few days.
In this one month decisive time lots of people supported and helped me. My roommate Pavan, my colleagues Sridhar , Surabhi , not to forget Swapna’s sister in selecting me out of all the profiles she received.
You never know why something happen in life and where that will impact.
Today friends with concern suggested me many things about married life and the challenges I am going to face in future. I think when there is true love and friendship ,wonderful and happy life follows.May be challenge lies in evloving that love and frienship , I am sure I will.
Relocating to India this weekend to settledown in Married life.