Last 10 months of my journey towards bringing a child into this world is incredible. After 3 years in married life when we are confident enough to bring up a baby, it all began with great excitement when we come to know about the pregnancy, still and always remember sparkling eyes of wife with full of happiness calling everyone back at home and sharing the news. First three months was uncertain until doctor confirms that everything is fine with the baby after few rounds of check up’s. A bit relieved and began preparing for the next 6 months. Has to be very careful in every walk of wife’s life during the initial months. One of my dream in life was to be with wife all the time during her pregnancy until the delivery and go through life’s beginning process. Swapna insisted to be with her parents during this period as I may not be able to cope with the situations and any unforeseen things which may happen but I won her after lot of discussions.
4 to 7 months was not as tough as beginning and final months. Then delivery is just 2 months way and had to plan and arrange every thing like choosing the hospital,prepare for emergencies, attending baby care seminars,baby and mother needs post delivery so on... Back in mind lot of tensions about delivery whether everything will happen smooth or not etc…. As delivery date reaches woman goes through lot of difficulties in getting sleep, in eating and in every step. Swapna managed everything perfectly with her will power, she even played a bit of tennis just the day before her delivery. For all the sacrifices she has done in this time and seeing her in most painful situations, in return all I can do is just obey whatever she says forever.
Now its time to admit Swapna to hospital. Slowly her pains aggravated and for 4 hours its continuous unbearable pain in the hospital bed. Another 5 difficult hours in the delivery room going through various stages of labor. During the time to push the baby out also, I chose to stay by her side in the delivery room. After another one hour of extremely painful and most difficult times both for doctors and Swapna , baby came out. When the baby entered the world ,was looking as if just out of blood bath. The life has just begun.
Baby coming out of mother womb, Swapna’s waiting moments to see the baby when the nurse cleaning baby, doctor trying to stop the blood flow, helper cleaning the blood in the entire room and me became blank for few seconds after seeing all this process for 10 hours --- Everything is going to remain in my memory forever.
Taking care of pregnant is not an easy thing for me, swapna managed most of things on her own and working until a week before delivery. Truly family like working environment , in-laws support,great friends at work and their wishes with actions was a big plus for me in these times.
Observed life from the size of a grain during second month to seeing the baby in 9 months. This entire duration and delivery process was a life time learning for me and is going to drive my life, my thought process for the future. Difficult times every woman go through to bring a baby into this world is the most painful process that I have ever known and the greatest achievement than anyone else would have achieved in this world according to me. Every human coming into this world go through a similar process before birth so everyone is equal right from the birth and all the divisions we make among us is just illusionary or selfish, never created by whosoever is the creator.
After seeing labor process closely, every female is looking like greatest achiever and every male is son of greatest achiever, this thinking is going to make me love everyone I meet in my life more than ever irrespective of how others behave with me.
We named our baby boy “Aarav Shaurya” and our journey began from June 18th to bring up Aarav.
I hope that Mr.Shurya will consider sports as career by his own will.